Sketchy micro antibiotics
Sketchy micro antibiotics

   Galactic Baby: Strep Agalactiae (Group B) o Very serious infections in newborns-get it from mother going through vaginal canal at 35wks pregnant women should be swabbed-give mom intrapartum penicillin o Hippo-positive hippurate test o Polysaccharide capsule o CAMP test positive-distinguishes it from all the other streps Increasing zone of hemolysis when plated with Staph aureus o Beta hemolytic o Bacitracin resistance o Meningitis in neonates o Sepsis in neonates o Pneumonia    Alpha Knight Tournament: Streptococcus pneumoniae and Streptococcus viridans o Alpha hemolytis-partial, green o Pneumoniae  Encapsulated polysaccharide capsule  Optochin sensitive  Lancet shaped diplococcic  Bile soluble  CAP lower respiratory, rust colored sputum  MOPS  Meningitis  Otitis media  Pneumonia  Sinusitis  Protease to cleave IgAĪsplenia susceptible Macrolide suscept and cephtriaxone suscept Vaccine  Adults-polysaccharide-IgM response  Children-polysaccharide conjugated to proteinIgG response o Viridans  No capsule  Optochin resistant  Bile resistant  Strep mutans cause dental carries  Mitral valve-subacute endocarditis with previously damaged heart valves-Adheres to platelet’s with dextrans     Dark brown urine  Facial swelling and edema  Two weeks after onset of strep infection  Early treatment will NOT prevent Treat-penicillin Virulence  Steptolysin O- lyse red blood cells  Body makes antibodies against (ASO)  Streptokinase-plasmogenin to plasmin-can lyse clots  DNases-depolymerizes DNA Bacitracin sensitive Antistreptolysin O titer-done for diagnosis


Novobiocin sensitive o Saprophyticus  Novobiocin resistant  UTI-sexually active females    Pie Genies’ Bakery: Streptococcus pyrogenes o Gram positive long chains or pairs o Beta hemolytic o Encapsulated  Hyaluronic acid-in our tissue as well-not immunogenic o Impetigo-honey crusted skin o Pharyngitis o Cellulitis and erysipelas o Toxin diseases-strep pyrogenic exotoxin-SPE  Scarlet fever-reddening and swelling of tongue (strawberry tongue) pharyngitis Widespread rash that spares the face(Spe A and C)  Toxic shock like syndrome-TSLS-mediated by a superantigen (Spe A and C)  Necrotizing fasciitis-surgical treatment (SpeB) o Complications of Strep  Rheumatic fever  ONLY AFTER PHAR  Type II hypersensitivity  M protein-highly antigenic and virulence factor interferes with opsinization (anti-phagocytic) and strong humoral response (molecular mimicry to myosin)  Mitral valve-most commonly damaged-stenosis  JONES o Joints-polyarthritis o Heart problems-myo and para carditis and murmurs o Subcutaneous nodules o Erythema marginatum-rash with thick red boarders o Sydenham’s chorea-rapid movements face and hands  Early treatment will prevent  PSGN  AFTER PHAR OR CUTANEOUS  Type III hypersensitivity (post step stipper)  Glomerular damage Notes:    Golden Staff of Moses: Staph aureus o Gram positive cocci o Catalase positive o Coagulase positive o Beta hemolytic- Gold on blood agar o Look like a bundle of grapes o Plate on mannitol salt agar-turn agar yellow because it can ferment mannitol o Protein A-part of cell wall can bind Fc portion of antibodiesprevents compliment, opsinization, and phagocytosis o Colonizes nasopharynx o Symptoms  Pneumonia-patchy infiltrates on x ray  Usually a post viral infection pneumonia  Septic arthritis  Abscesses-impetigo, cellulitis, etc  Rapid onset-Endocarditis  Worry IV drug user-usually right side tricuspid valve  Osteomyelitis-most common cause o Toxin mediated disease  Scalded skin syndrome-skin peals off due to exfoliation toxin  Toxic Shock Syndrome-TSST-superantigen-cytokine storm and shock  Staph food poisoning-rapid onset from preformed toxins-vomiting-meats and cream based foods o MRSA-alters PBPs  Treatment-Vancomycin or naficillin (Naf for staph)    Beauty and the Plumber: Staph epidermidis and Staph saprophyticus o Gram positive o Catalase positive o Urease positive o Coagulase negative o Epidermidis  Infects prostetics, indwelling catheters, endocarditis in artificial heart valves (super important)  Biofilms-makes a lot of polysaccharides-resistant to many antibiotics  Treatment-Vancomycin surgical treatment of prosthetics may be needed  Part of normal skin flora contaminates blood cultures

Sketchy micro antibiotics