Galactic Baby: Strep Agalactiae (Group B) o Very serious infections in newborns-get it from mother going through vaginal canal at 35wks pregnant women should be swabbed-give mom intrapartum penicillin o Hippo-positive hippurate test o Polysaccharide capsule o CAMP test positive-distinguishes it from all the other streps Increasing zone of hemolysis when plated with Staph aureus o Beta hemolytic o Bacitracin resistance o Meningitis in neonates o Sepsis in neonates o Pneumonia Alpha Knight Tournament: Streptococcus pneumoniae and Streptococcus viridans o Alpha hemolytis-partial, green o Pneumoniae Encapsulated polysaccharide capsule Optochin sensitive Lancet shaped diplococcic Bile soluble CAP lower respiratory, rust colored sputum MOPS Meningitis Otitis media Pneumonia Sinusitis Protease to cleave IgAĪsplenia susceptible Macrolide suscept and cephtriaxone suscept Vaccine Adults-polysaccharide-IgM response Children-polysaccharide conjugated to proteinIgG response o Viridans No capsule Optochin resistant Bile resistant Strep mutans cause dental carries Mitral valve-subacute endocarditis with previously damaged heart valves-Adheres to platelet’s with dextrans Dark brown urine Facial swelling and edema Two weeks after onset of strep infection Early treatment will NOT prevent Treat-penicillin Virulence Steptolysin O- lyse red blood cells Body makes antibodies against (ASO) Streptokinase-plasmogenin to plasmin-can lyse clots DNases-depolymerizes DNA Bacitracin sensitive Antistreptolysin O titer-done for diagnosis
Novobiocin sensitive o Saprophyticus Novobiocin resistant UTI-sexually active females Pie Genies’ Bakery: Streptococcus pyrogenes o Gram positive long chains or pairs o Beta hemolytic o Encapsulated Hyaluronic acid-in our tissue as well-not immunogenic o Impetigo-honey crusted skin o Pharyngitis o Cellulitis and erysipelas o Toxin diseases-strep pyrogenic exotoxin-SPE Scarlet fever-reddening and swelling of tongue (strawberry tongue) pharyngitis Widespread rash that spares the face(Spe A and C) Toxic shock like syndrome-TSLS-mediated by a superantigen (Spe A and C) Necrotizing fasciitis-surgical treatment (SpeB) o Complications of Strep Rheumatic fever ONLY AFTER PHAR Type II hypersensitivity M protein-highly antigenic and virulence factor interferes with opsinization (anti-phagocytic) and strong humoral response (molecular mimicry to myosin) Mitral valve-most commonly damaged-stenosis JONES o Joints-polyarthritis o Heart problems-myo and para carditis and murmurs o Subcutaneous nodules o Erythema marginatum-rash with thick red boarders o Sydenham’s chorea-rapid movements face and hands Early treatment will prevent PSGN AFTER PHAR OR CUTANEOUS Type III hypersensitivity (post step stipper) Glomerular damage Notes: Golden Staff of Moses: Staph aureus o Gram positive cocci o Catalase positive o Coagulase positive o Beta hemolytic- Gold on blood agar o Look like a bundle of grapes o Plate on mannitol salt agar-turn agar yellow because it can ferment mannitol o Protein A-part of cell wall can bind Fc portion of antibodiesprevents compliment, opsinization, and phagocytosis o Colonizes nasopharynx o Symptoms Pneumonia-patchy infiltrates on x ray Usually a post viral infection pneumonia Septic arthritis Abscesses-impetigo, cellulitis, etc Rapid onset-Endocarditis Worry IV drug user-usually right side tricuspid valve Osteomyelitis-most common cause o Toxin mediated disease Scalded skin syndrome-skin peals off due to exfoliation toxin Toxic Shock Syndrome-TSST-superantigen-cytokine storm and shock Staph food poisoning-rapid onset from preformed toxins-vomiting-meats and cream based foods o MRSA-alters PBPs Treatment-Vancomycin or naficillin (Naf for staph) Beauty and the Plumber: Staph epidermidis and Staph saprophyticus o Gram positive o Catalase positive o Urease positive o Coagulase negative o Epidermidis Infects prostetics, indwelling catheters, endocarditis in artificial heart valves (super important) Biofilms-makes a lot of polysaccharides-resistant to many antibiotics Treatment-Vancomycin surgical treatment of prosthetics may be needed Part of normal skin flora contaminates blood cultures